Saturday, August 9, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ontario Construction Report Readers Choice Awards

I read about he Readers Choice Awards for the Ontario Constructrion Report today and thought I would share this great opportunity with you.

For the 2008-09 Awards you can nominate any construction related company in Ontario and including your own company for free. Check out the categories and nominate away.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Construction Day One in Niagara

Day one has started on a new project in St.Catharines. The first part is removal of a 20 + year old paved driveway section 7 feet wide and 28 feet long and regrading it from the backyard to the existing concrete driveway. The homeowner had complained of some water leaks this past winter due to the uneven grade and water build up next to the house.
We will also be removing the existing concrete stairs at the side of the home and a sunken concrete pad under the front porch stairs where more water has been collecting. In place of the side concrete steps a new wooden set will be put in and paved walkway will replace the concrete pad out front. Window wells will be added at the side of the home also to help with the prevention of water build up.
Where the paved driveway was located we will be putting down a 3 foot wide walkway of coloured stone and 4 feet of sod to expand the homeowners use of the backyard. The existing gate located at the back of the driveway will be taken down and a new one built at the front where the fence meets the existing concrete driveway.